Frawley Design Services - Website coming soon!
Specialists in the design of Sewer and Water Infrastructure works
Phone: 02 8338 1311
Fax: 02 8338 1306
Email: info@frawleydesignservices.com.au
Mail: PO Box 6464, Alexandria NSW 2015
Address: Unit 4 / 56 O’Riordan Street, Alexandria NSW 2015
Hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm (appointments are essential)
Other times may be arranged by appointment only
Operating area: Eastern Suburbs and surrounds specialist, however services can be provided in all areas that fall under Sydney Water’s jurisdiction
- Service Protection Reports (Pegouts) in relation to Sydney Water infrastructure
- Sydney Water Building Plan Approvals
- Sydney Water Developer Applications (Section 73, Feasibility, Adjustment & Deviation, Minor Extensions, Road Closure)
- Sydney Water Tap inTM Applications (Building Plan Approval, 20mm Water Connection, Wastewater Connection, Water Meter Installation, Minor Works, Statement of Pressure and Flow, Disuse of Sewer)
- Design and Project Management for the construction of Sydney Water sewer and water infrastructure